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The Importance of Cashflow and External Finance for Small Businesses in 2022 and 2023
A rebound in the use of external finance among small businesses in early 2023.

Reasons to Not be Scared of Factoring
Factoring can be a bit scary for companies that are not familiar with it, or that had bad experiences with it in the past. Due to this...

Essential Facts about Invoice Finance: An Informative Infographic
One third of UK SMEs do not secure the funding that they need, according to the Genesis Initiative. Research showed that 46% of SMEs...

Discover the best reasons to change invoice finance provider
When you have gone through the process of arranging an invoice finance facility, the temptation can sometimes be to just leave it as it...

How invoice finance works for your cashflow
An invoice finance facility allows businesses to access the funds tied up in their unpaid invoices. Instead of waiting for customers to...
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